church was good. i love our ward. good good people, thats for sure.
the weekend was a blast.
friday night we had the Seguritan kids over for a sleepover while Donavan and Katie went out to celebrate her birthday.
i suggested a sleepover instead of just the evening....
i have to admit, i was really excited when katie said yes. her kids are so awesome.
so Tom took them swimming while I talked to my lil sis on skype
and then we ate pizza

watched Tom and Jerry
played the Wii

the next morning when Katie and Donavan came to pick them up, we started playing Super Mario Bros (the original. the REAL deal) and we ended up playing for about 2 hours until we passed it. there was a lot of yelling and laughing and tears, okay not tears, but there was passion.
it was so much fun! lets do it again, guys. next time we'll make a movie!
your weekend was SO much better than mine it's absolutely unfair lol. but seriously - i spent all weekend pulling weeds (i hate gardening) and mowing the lawns (i hate mowing) and having a stomach virus. kids, pizza, sisters, church, cookies, t+j and mario bros is where its at. and watching 3 kids overnight for your friends? you're amazing!!
We had a blast, the kids had a blast, and we all totally adore you! You are one of my favorite people and I'm so glad we get to hang out. We will totally have to do another Nintendo party...and it'd be great if Tom was awake for this one. I'd love to hear him "cheer" us on:) Good luck with your procedure, and happy anniversary 2morrow.
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