
i can't believe its over!

somebody special graduated last friday

(my deddy {on the left} looks like a toad in this picture. he looks like he just ended a "ribbit")

parents came down and we all squished into our apartment for a few days
there was eating, playing of dutch blitz (a vonderful goot game!) scrabble (regular & SLAM)
watching "Oceans" with plenty of ooohs and awwws from mae (as well as a reminder of why i've always wanted to be a marine biologist, and a reaffirmation that i WILL do this one day)

it was great fun
i can't believe how fast 2 years has gone by
and can't wait to see what awaits us next

i am so proud of you, my love


Team Seguritan said...

Just read/looked at everything on your blog. Haven't seen for a while. You are so talented, and congratulations to Tom, and mostly THANK YOU for sharing that video, I hadn't seen it yet and I needed it tonight!


Abe and Lisa said...

congrats to Tom and to you guys too! I'm glad we got to come down and see you at least once. Now on to even a greater adventure.. i can't wait to see what your future holds. (hopefully a visit to UT...)

Rachel Evans said...

Congrats! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wow and congrats. The world is yours and I am so excited to see where you guys go next because, of course, I will have to come and visit you again. Good work Tom.

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