
sentimental cheesiness

tom is really proud of his rugby wound.
it makes me nervous.
did i tell you he was awarded "best tackler" last year? Jiminy! he is an animal out there.

tonight we had a lesson on lying for Family Home Evening

my mom let my sister and i divide up all of her FHE lessons from when we were little
its so fun to use them for my own family
the stories and pictures bring back so many memories of sitting on our forrest green floral couch in our jammies, with nothing but the lamp casting a soft glow in the room
getting excited when it was my turn to pick the song (ALWAYS "Popcorn Popping")
listening to my moms voice as she told the story and stuck the pictures to the flannel board. i always wanted to stick the pictures on that flannel board.
we even have a video of one FHE night, where i'm sitting on the couch reading an upside down magazine, my little legs crossed, trying to be so grownup. I think i was 3 or 4.

the other night i went into our bedroom, and mae was "reading" the scriptures

yesterday tom and i were sitting on the couch and mae climbed up on our laps and engaged us in a big group hug. she said in her sweet little voice with so much sincerity,"i love my family...."
it was one of the best things i've ever heard

there are just those moments in life that make you realize what really matters and what really brings us happiness

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