alicia, I'm stealing this from you.
this is my "crap" list. while doing this I realized it was really hard for me to think of stuff I hated. so these are things i either HATE, or I just am not fond of.
1. The Beach Boys

And can any of them sing in anything else but falsetto?
2. The News

I hate watching the news. I know I should know what is going on in our world, but they never focus on the GOOD things. I always walk away feeling sad, angry, and paranoid.
3. Renee Zellweger

Blech. What is that smile? And is it just me, or does she always sound drunk?
4. Sauerkraut

*throwing up in mouth...cannot talk...*
5. Popped collars

Really? Are you hoping to catch some crumbs?
6. Punk Music

Most of the time its the singer that drives me away from this music. They all sing through their noses and just yell. It's so unpleasant!
7. Conceited bloggers

This is the best picture I could find. I love when people share their talents and skills with us on their blogs! But I can't stand it when people put an act like their lives are perfect. Their house is always clean, their children are perfectly behaved, etc. People don't relate to "perfect" people. Common! Complain a little! Let us know how you REALLY feel.
8. Skanky girls

This includes anyone in or out of the entertainment industry. It makes me so mad when girls flaunt their sexuality and act like that is all there is to us women. They create a bad name for the rest of us.
Yes, you're gorgeous. But so are a lot of other people.
I have boobs too. It's not like your doing the world a favor by showing them to us. It's not a new discovery.
9.Gossip Girl
I really tried to get into this show. But I wasn't interested in rich, snotty kids who come from broken homes because they're parents are so involved in money and themselves. I'm peeved that I lost such precious time.
10. Counting Crows

I would probably like their music if the guy could sing. I cannot STAND his voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard.
Okay, not that I've made a list about things I think are stupid, I'm going to go feel bad about it.
I actually agree with a lot of the things on your list, except Gossip Girl, lol. It's my guilty pleasure I'm completely addicted.
I LOVE IT! And actually was surprised that I agreed with about 50% of it! Sorry, I love me sauerkraut! YESH! YESH IT DO! I used to love Counting Crows.... but....they are kid of whiny and I get enough of that with my 5 year old!
Love the crap list... Especially the one that involved the skanky girls and their boobs and when you said "It's not a new discovery."
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