"Sure!" I reply.
He handed me the cd case as he popped the disc in and forwarded it to number three, "Just a Girl"
Those first crazy guitar riffs caught my attention, and then as soon as I heard her voice, I was hooked. I stared at the cd case and saw this bombshell blonde with red lipstick.
"She's so hot!" my brother said, glancing over.
"I want to BE her...." I thought to myself. And it began at the tender age of 14.
(my No Doubt covered walls)

Yes, I'm talking about No Doubt. What I really loved about them from the get go, was during this time Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were getting big, and every girl entertainer seemed the same. Don't get my wrong, I had all the Britney Spears cds and still do. I loved pop music. But there was something empowering about Gwen Stefani. She ran around on stage, did push-ups, dripped sweat, made crazy faces, jumped off speakers and the best part was her VOICE. I had never heard such a unique voice. I loved her vibrato, how fast it was and how it seemed to be there during every note, not just at the end. She had a serious forties style, which I had always been into, and this girl was making it OKAY to wear red lipstick and pin curls. Their music was unique, an amazing blend of ska, reggae, pop-rock.
I discovered they had been around much longer, but had just been "discovered". They had two more albums out before "Tragic Kingdom" and those are actually my favorite, especially "Beacon Street Collection".
(as I was packing for Arizona, I found my No Doubt binder full of interviews, stickers and pictures. I had to take a picture of it before I tossed it)
So I listened to the "Tragic Kingdom" constantly. My brother just ended up giving it to me, because I stole it so much. I actually listened to it so much, I had to buy a new one because it hardly played anymore. I started collecting magazine clippings, dying my hair blond(er) and wearing red lipstick. This, my friends was a huge deal back in the day. It seems that those were the days where you wore pink lipgloss and white eyeliner, and if you wore anything else, you were considered uncool. But it was like Gwen Stefani had given me permission to finally let that part of me come out. My family thought I was crazy because I was always coming down in outfits similiar to her, with my hair and makeup done, and I'd say,"Who am I?" and they'd say "WOA! You look like Gwen Stefani!"
My mom didn't get why I liked this girl who wore little cut off shirts. She didn't think she was a good role model. But she didn't make me want to bare my belly. Even though I was trying to BE her, the thing I admired most about her, was that she was so unique and didn't seem to think that being anything other than herself was acceptable. She still inspires me that way. She made me want to be a rockstar and really sing. Too bad I have such bad stage fright, because I had a couple of opportunities to be in a band, and I chickened out.
I wore red lipstick my entire sophmore and junior year, curled my hair everyday and pinned it up forties style, I even wore little tiny diamond stick-ons by my eyes, because Gwen did that.
Some people really dug it (some kid asked me to kiss a piece of paper so he could "keep my lips") and some made fun of me for being "different". One kid was ALWAYS giving me a hard time for wearing red lipstick. What a stupid thing to make fun of someone for! But it made me feel glamorous and it still does. I know, I know, its just MAKEUP. But red lips make me happy, okay?
Wow, this is getting to be such a long story! Anyways, my brother took me to my VERY first No Doubt concert. We had the WORST seats, but I don't think I've ever been so excited in my entire life.

(For awhile I wanted to be a make up artist so I'd try different looks out on myself and take pictures)

the perfect Red lipstick is a tough one to find. Urban Decay used to make a lipstick called "gash" and that was my first perfect shade I found. I went through a LOT of different shades.
(don't you love that I kept my urban decay lipstick box?

after that first concert, I attended
"Return of Saturn" concert in 99 with Sara Tanner
"Rock Steady concert" in 2000 with Lindsey Burt
No Doubt & U2 concert in 2001 with Stacy Shaw
Here I am at their Rock Steady concert with one of my best buds, Linds. This is the best seat I've ever gotten at a concert. We were really close, and worked our way even closer, but unfortunately, the one picture I had of her right in front of me, I only got half of her face!

This guy was like,"Hey, do you want me to lift you up?"
um, no thanks...

Gwen Stefani "Love.Angel.Music.Baby" tour 2004 or 05 with Lindsey Burt
Gwen Stefani "Sweet Escape" tour with Tom
No Doubt has always put on a good show. Not only do they have a cool set, but Gwen is just entertaining. She doesn't just sing, but she'll stop and talk to the crowd and do little "skits". Her solo concerts were more like a broadway show then just a concert. She had dancers and costume changes. Tom was really impressed.
FINALLY, No Doubt has reunited and decided to go on tour to get inspired for their new album. Tom got me tickets for mothers day. We didn't have very good seats, but MAN, it was such a good concert, I was so sad when it was over! I just really love them, they never fail to disappoint.
Tom and I ate at Mimi's before the concert, and his steak was sooo red. I had to put the bread basket in front of his plate so I didn't have to look at it.
the concert was at an outside venue, it was perfect weather!
Paramore opened for No Doubt and converted me into a fan. That girl has the most flawless voice! And they were really fun to watch.
No Doubt "Don't Speak" (thank goodness for big screens)
No Doubts Opening. Chills. Up and down my spine.
Bush was my first concert and No Doubt opened for them and I was hooked immediately! I bought tickets for when she came back and I still regret that I sold them to go t a party to hangout with my stupid ex-boyfriend. Why are girls so stupid? I also love Paramore. I am sad that I was unable to go to their concert.
Cool story :) I remember stealing your "Return of Saturn" CD all the time. That's when I first got into No Doubt. I'm way bummed I missed getting to see them back together when they were in SLC :(
gwen's abs were amazing.
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