

today, i feel like this:
(although not as cute)

forgot my money at the grocery store
didn't get a chance to workout
mae has been misbehaving and testing mommy
my apartment is a mess
i have a million things to do

but instead, i'm going to eat cookies (so much for my no sugar goal)
and watch "Ugly Betty" while I fold laundry. (at least I'll be somewhat productive)
and think about how awesome my husband is
because he did the dishes and took out the garbage this morning
because he loves me


Anonymous said...

OLOLOLOLO. this picture is TOTALLY me today. i might just copy it for my post today. would that be okey dokey? hope you feel better after your cookies and laundry and good t.v.

Elise Mckenna Peterson: said...

Ugly Betty is always good for a bad day. I am having one too....maybe I'll watch some.

Erin said...

sounds just like something i would do! love you liss! and that poast below is nuts!

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