
Tag, I'm it!

I was tagged by Rachel and Heather.

Tag You're it!!!
Rules:1) Post rules on your blog2) Answer the six '8' items3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV shows
1. The Office
2. Lost
3. Friends
4. Ugly Betty
5. Heroes
6. 24
7. Anything on TLC
8. The Hills

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Took a nap snuggled up to Mae
2. Watched Ugly Betty
3. Worked on photography
4. Hung out with Tanya and Ollie
5. Read "Skinny Bitch" (awesome! a MUST read for all the ladies)
6. Ate
7. Cleaned my dads restaurant
8. Watched 24

8 Things I look forward to
1. Getting pregnant
2. Going back to Arizona in a week
3. Girls night out this weekend
4. New job(s) when I get back to AZ
5. Changing my eating habits
6. Sleeping in my own bed
7. more art and photography done
8. making new friends

8 Favorite Restaraunts
1. Pistol Petes (R.I.P)
2. Rubios
3. Bombay House
4. Pawitts Thai
5. Paradise Bakery
6. Noodles
7. Spaghetti Factory
8. Wendys

8 Things on my wish-list
1. Get Mae back on a good schedule
2. Lose the ten pounds I've gained in the last three months
3. eat better
4. Follow our budget
5. Go on a date with Tom
6. Go to the temple
7. Finished Shelbi's drawings
8. Birthday presents for brothers birthdays

8 People I tag
1. Elise
2. Alicia
3. Stephanie M.
4. Amy
5. Tanya
6. Becca
7. Heather M.
8. Paris


chel wakley said...

What? Your dads restaraunt closed? I am so so sad, I had no idea.. sniff sniff

Anonymous said...

I did a Christmas tag. Never again.

Foster Farm said...

I love your answers!!
TooOo cute

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