
E.T. gives me a treat

Today I took Thomas Thomas Farty Pants to the airport. He is off to Zimbabwe to NSHMBA, which is a yearly tribal ritual all Thunderbird students must go through. First they have to sleep in grass huts with 7 other men. Very crowded. Then they go through a series of tests where they have to eat things like fried cockroaches, hike a mountain with no water or food, sleep in the jungle by themselves, and dance on a burial ground while chanting. just kidding. GOTCHA! Did anyone believe me? If you did, its okay. Because I would've believed it. I'm extremely gullible.
Anyways, what it REALLY is, is a networking/job interview conference type of thing. There will tons of companies there interviewing for internships and such. Its actually in Atlanta, not Zimbabwe :) Tom had to apply for jobs ahead of time, and one of them was obviously DISNEY. Do you know how cool it would be if he got an internship for Disney next summer? As most of you know, Tom and I LOVE Disney. Our house is full of disney stuff. We've been there three times together. We both want to work there (in 1st grade I put as my dream job "to be an animator at MGM studios"). And we also got jobs there a couple of summers ago (I got a job as a character, and he got a job in retail) but we never ended up going because things at home kept us. ANYWAYS...cross your fingers for him!
Upon returning home, I found this in Mae's room next to my E.T. doll.

Hey, don't judge him. Its a line from the movie! :) And its actually pretty hilarious.

My husband is the best. I love stuff like this. My dad used to leave a note and a treat on my desk chair when I was little, and I loved waking up to that!


Misty said...

I laughed out loud. It was funny. I love unique and clever ways to say I love you.. :)

Amy J. said...

OH that is too funny. Guess who I was sitting next to in the theater the first time I watched ET....Grandma Lindgren! I kid you not. You should have heard the gasp that came out of her mouth when that line was said in the movie. I think people getting out of their cars in the parking lot heard it. My mom and I still laugh about that.

Alicia Leppert said...

Wasn't Grandma Lindgren also the person who thought Napoleon Dynamite was a mean movie that made fun of retarded people?

That is so sweet, and so clever and funny. I LOVE people who manage to work movie quotes into daily life. I try to do it as much as possible.
Does he go by Thomas?

Meg said...

I found a card in the freezer tonight with my favortie ice cream! I love the little things, they are the best.

I can't wait for our slumber, it is lonely with out you....

tanya said...

I also like the creative ways our man say I love you or i miss you! You have a keeper thats for sure. We miss ya!

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