
Saturday's Warrior and other Set Dec projects

Hello blogging world. It's been awhile. I've been really busy these past few months. I can't remember if I mentioned that I was Set Decorator on the new "Saturdays Warrior" feature length film. For those of you not familiar, Saturdays Warrior is an LDS musical that was written by award winning composer, Lex de Azevedo back in the seventies. It became very popular and in the 80's was made into a movie of sorts. The movie is awful and cheesy but I grew up watching it and loved the music.

In 2015, Jarrod was asked to produce the new full length feature and I was brought on board as set decorator. It was an amazing experience and I found myself extremely passionate about set dec. I guess all of those years rearranging and redecorating my room growing up (Probably every 3-6 months. Thank the Lord my mom was patient and let me do what I wanted in my own space) and 12 different houses/apartments over the course of 11 years gave me some unexpected experience. I got really good at being resourceful, working with limited space, thrift shopping, and being creative and thinking on my toes.

After Saturdays Warrior wrapped, Jarrod and I were asked to do the same jobs on the new Covenant Christmas movie for 2016, "The Elving Project". We just wrapped that in January. Elving was another period piece set in the 80's (Saturday's Warrior was set in the 70's) so that was super fun to design and decorate. It was like being in my childhood home with all of the floral and ceramic knick-knacks.

Saturday's Warrior will be in theaters April 1 of this year. I can't wait! Please head over to the official Facebook page and support and share!

Fun on Set: Behind the Scenes

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