The other night my sister and I threw on some facial applicators and I gave her a reflexology foot massage. Is it strange that I love giving foot massages? I just do.
This was her first facial and my second. We both couldn't stop staring at ourselves I the mirror afterwards. Aubrey stated that we both looked five years younger. Take a look at our before and afters. Skin is tighter, lifted, less puffy, brighter, and spots have diminished.
The great thing about the facial apps is that you can do one everyday, unlike the body wraps where you have to wait 72 hours in between. Another benefit is no needles, no pain, and easy on your wallet!
One of the founders of our company said she does one every single week. She is in her fifties and she looks amazing!
Facial wraps come in a box of four for $49. Buy them here: Feel free to email or call me with questions.

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