
Give-A -WAY!

okay, time for another giveaway
this is for a print of your choice from the shop OR a custom illustration. You tell me what you want drawn, and I'll make it a reality
leave a comment asking me a question (any question!) and a winner will be chosen by random.org by Tuesday, February 1st. I will answer your questions in upcoming posts.
can't wait to see what questions you guys come up with...


chel wakley said...

Paper or plastic?

Anonymous said...

Battlestar Galactica is on tonight, so if you need help with this question, you have a resource to gather information before you answer.

Okay. Who would you rather goose with a long pointy cactus covered in tabasco, if you could wear a blindfold so you didn't have to look at the outer layer of their anal spincters, and gloves to protect your skin from flying hot sauce and bodily fluids?

1) I'd goose Starbuck, then run my a** off away from her. She's probably a half cylon, half human crazy born again baby.

2) Chief. I'd goose him because he IS a cylon and he wouldn't feel it anyway. Toasters don't have feelings.

3) Admiral Adama. I like to stick it to the man.

4) President Laura Roslin: This won't cure her cancer, but it WILL make me laugh.

Choose wisely. Btw, if I win, I love turtles.


Anonymous said...

If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you HAVE to bring with you in order to stay sane???

Anonymous said...

this is really hard to choose a question!
what is your favorite hair color?
there. you can do an entire post about all the different hair colors you've had and post pictures too. that will be very interesting for me since i've never colored my hair...ever.

Alicia Leppert said...

Okay, I seriously just missed this by 17 mins. (my time). Crapbag. Well, just for fun...can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

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