
a little help from my friends

Wow, the post I got the most comments on EVER was my post on Twilight. Obsess much, girls? :)

Okay...a couple of things. Mae is getting...um..whats the word? Lets just say she is getting a case of the "terrible twos" a little early. I love her, and her sassy/silly personality. But today I had to put her in time out 5 times. And she has run out into the street twice now. I'm grateful there were no cars, or my little girl would not be here anymore. But seriously. I say NO like 800 times a day. I feel so bad, because I don't want her to think thats all mommy says. Any good parenting advice? Any good books I should read? Help? Please?

Next: I want to hear everyones budgeting/money strategies. What do you do to keep from spending too much? How do you budget your money so that its easy and everything gets taken care of? I do our budget, and I feel like its too complicated. So if anyone is willing to dish out some advice, please do. For we are about to become even poorer than we are now, which I thought was impossible.

Last: I love you guys. Seriously.
The End


Unknown said...

Don't worry about the parenting thing. The no's aren't about to go away any time soon. I guess the say a way to help them when they are trying to become independent is to give them choices (be it small) so that they feel in control. Besides the no's, just give her the love and she'll grow out of it in about 17 years. I know that there are some great books on parenting out there but who has time to read them between all the no's. I don't even think that I can read anything past a two syllable word anymore. Just keep chugging along. Mae is going to push every button that you have to try and figure out her boundaries so just stay put. She's a cutie and she'll love you for it. (I'm still waiting for that part from my kiddies.)

Unknown said...

As for the money, it takes a discipline that I don't have yet to save but I saw some awesome books at Deseret Book and then check out the other book stores for some budgeting tips.

chel wakley said...

Not sure if there is an amazing way to budget, but I always make a list. Which I know you are a list maker. Of everything coming up. Like birthdays, family dinners, BBQ's we need to buy extra food for, then see where we can take money from that month. And of course tithing.. I swear on paper our finances never add up, there is never enough money but we always come out ahead.

tanya said...

well First we love you too. Second Money eeewww I hate that word! It is so hard cause every time i just want to say lets start over and start fresh, unfortunely you can't. I don't have the best advise other then the basic stuff. One thing is that once you get into your own place it will help cause then you can make your own meals and that save then eating out! Gas sure isn't helping to saving! So I guess drive less (yeah right!) Not sure I was any help in that department cause we are in the same boat as to figuring out a good budget! Third your an awesome MOM! If she remembers anything at this age is that you were always watching out for her. I am not to that age yet with olivia. So actually I will hear what people tell you. Sorry for not being very helpful. But we love you guys!

Meg said...

Oh Miss Elmo... Mae is adorable!! I love her little modeling picture on the side! So cute. As for the money, Trent gets two paychecks a month (sometimes 3, it happens a few times a year) so we take half of everything out every paycheck (half of rent, car payment, groceries, utilities, all of tithing for the check). Then with the rest we decide what we are going to need to buy for the month. Also, we really try to save 10% every paycheck for savings. We never did this before because I felt like we were too poor to have savings, but we've started doing it since January and I'm amazed at how once we take it out and put it in it's safe spot we don't even miss it, and it adds up fast. Good luck with everything and moving to Provo. (check out pinchingyourpennies.com).

Chelsea Lee said...

I feel like I'm saying "NO" to Jake a lot too right now, but I really try to see things from his point of view. There are always two ways to look at the situation. Jake doesn't intentionally make messes or break things or throw fits, but if you look at the situation and try to see things through their eyes you will see why they are acting the way they do. And most of the time they just want your attention and for you to give them a hug and a compliment and spend some time drawing or reading or cuddling.... kids do crazy stuff for our attention, especially when they are bored. Hope it helps... Mae is adorable!!!!

Chelsea Lee said...

I feel like I'm saying "NO" to Jake a lot too right now, but I really try to see things from his point of view. There are always two ways to look at the situation. Jake doesn't intentionally make messes or break things or throw fits, but if you look at the situation and try to see things through their eyes you will see why they are acting the way they do. And most of the time they just want your attention and for you to give them a hug and a compliment and spend some time drawing or reading or cuddling.... kids do crazy stuff for our attention, especially when they are bored. Hope it helps... Mae is adorable!!!!

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