
Daily Diddy

Whats a diddy, anyways? Anybody? I just think its such a silly word, so I'm going to use it. When I say "Daily Diddy" What I mean by that is not a daily poem, or a daily joke, nor a daily recipe for different ways to use a lemon. NAY. It means that I will be posting a daily sketch, photography, painting, illustration, etc. (i.e. my art). I have been feeling soooo creative lately, but I have no idea where to even start. Anyone ever feel that way? You have this great desire and yearning to create things, but you have so many ideas in your head, you can't decide which one will be the best to begin with. Its a rough life, being an arteest. Truly. But I thought, "HEY! Maybe if I post something daily that I've created, I will be more inclined to start doing something, even if its just a sketch of a rhino playing cards with Bill Cosby. (EH?)
So there it is, folks. My new goal (yes...I have a million of them)

My "diddy" for the day is this lovely scrapbook/journal I made for a friends baby shower. I've made a few of these and will post them on a later date.

Now for my latest etsy loves. Click on the image to go to their shops.
This first one is...well gosh dangit, its fabulous! This lady (I'm assuming) is so creative. Check out her other jewelry. This one is a tamer style. There are a lot of really funky pieces! Love it. Need it. Want it.

When I saw this I thought, "I have GOT to have it!" Sadly, it was sold. I cried a billion tears and screamed and punched pillows. Then I calmed myself and decided I wanted whoever bought it to enjoy it to the fullest, and I was happy for them. So to those people: "GOOD RIDDANCE!" JAY KAY.

Next up on our marvelous etsy finds is this adorable, antique message board. It would look lovely in Mae's room. I would pin little vintage post cards on it and write my little one love notes. Splendiferous!

"Now its time to say goodbye, to all our company...em eye see (see ya real soon!) kay eeh why (why? because we like you!) em oh you ess eeeeeeeeeh!"

1 comment:

Heather said...

hey that is the journal you made for my shower, either that or you made two, lol. I have that book on my kitchen table right now.

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